Friday, February 3, 2012

Man sentenced to 4 years in unintentional shooting death of his son

58-year-old Howard Bascomb of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota has been sentenced to four years in prison in connection with the unintentional shooting death of his son, 23-year-old Alexander Bascomb. The shooting occurred last November.
According to reports, Bascomb told police he and his son had been drinking when they decided at 3 o'clock in the morning to field strip Bascomb's 9mm Beretta handgun and put it back together. As they were trying to put the gun back together Bascomb unintentionally fired the weapon, hitting his son in the chest. Alexander's girlfriend was awakened by the shot and called the police. When the police arrived they found Alexander slumped over in a chair. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Bascomb pleaded guilty to second-dgree manslaugher and was sentenced this week.


  1. What the hell were they thinking? And why do this at 3 AM of all times? Don't they have anything better to do at that hour (like sleep)? Were they drunk?

  2. It says in the first sentence they were drinking.
