Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Restaurant manager unintentionally shoots coworker through bathroom wall

Carlos Sepulveda, manager of the West Side Italian restaurant in San Antonio, Texas was concerned over "a lot of odd activity during closing and at the risk of anything happening at the restaurant," so he decided to bring a gun to work for protection. He had only had the gun at work for a few days when something did happen. Monday night Sepulveda took the loaded, cocked revolver out of the cashbox to count the evening's money. When he put the gun down on the counter he unintentionally discharged the weapon. The bullet went through the nearby wall into the bathroom and stuck 25-year-old Christian Bilderback, who was using the restroom at the time. Bilderback was shot in the thigh and taken to a local hospital.
"It was horrible," said Sepulveda, "but it was all just an unfortunate accident."

1 comment:

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