Monday, March 28, 2011

NBC executive shot dead, childhood friend charged with murder says it was an accident

Brian Kaplon and David Armstrong have been friends since 5th grade. Now, at age 32, their families are close as well. The two were together for a St. Patrick's Day party at Armstrong's home when something went terribly wrong.
Armstrong has a large gun collection and was showing off an AR-15 assault rifle when a round from the weapon discharged and struck Kaplon in the chest. Kaplon was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
According to police reports "both of the men were in the garage with a rifle when one man shot and killed the other man. There are not other witnesses. The other man made a statement that was taken into consideration before it was determined to be a homicide."
Armstrong's attorney maintains it was a tragic accident. "We will be able to demonstrate that this was a tragic accident between two best friends. There was no intent ever to harm his best friend. This was an accident based on two friends who were drinking and not following the proper safety precautions in the handling of the rifle."
In an interview with the Los Angles Times, Kaplon's father said Armstrong had several guns in his house and "because of one of those guns I had to bury my son yesterday."
Armstrong has been arrested and charged with murder. He has been released after raising $2 million in bail.
Ohh shoot.

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